16 ch TX only
48 kHz audio
32b word size
I2S TDM slave
BCLK is assumed to be integer multiple of our PDM MCLK
BCLK is external
BCLK sampling rising or falling edge TBD
FSYNC offset / data alignment TBD (@Andrew Cavanaugh getting answer)
FSYNC Length (we only care about edge but TBD just to know).
Target example app with 1 tile 16 mic → 16ch TDM output
The initial TDM implementation will be:
16 ch TX only 48 kHz audio 32b word size I2S TDM slave BCLK is assumed to be integer multiple of our PDM MCLK BCLK is external BCLK sampling rising or falling edge TBD FSYNC offset / data alignment TBD (@Andrew Cavanaugh getting answer) FSYNC Length (we only care about edge but TBD just to know). Target example app with 1 tile 16 mic → 16ch TDM output
See: https://xmosjira.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SDK/pages/3811835928/Development+Notes