xmos / vocalfusion-avs-setup

Repository containing scripts/helpers for configuring a Raspberry Pi to work with XMOS mic frontend
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auto_install.sh does not recognise xvf3510 #53

Closed kieran-kohtz closed 2 years ago

kieran-kohtz commented 2 years ago

I checked to make sure I was putting in the correct string for 3510, and it still isn't recognised

This was using a clean install with the recommended version of raspbian

pi@raspberrypi:~/vocalfusion-avs-setup $ ./auto_install.sh
usage: auto_install.sh <DEVICE-TYPE> [OPTIONS]

A JSON config file, config.json, must be present in the current working
directory. The config.json can be downloaded from developer portal and must
contain the following:
   "clientId": "<Auth client ID>"
   "productId": "<your product name for device>"

The DEVICE-TYPE is the XMOS device to setup: xvf3100, xvf3500, xvf3510, xvf3600-slave, xvf3600-master, xvf3610-int, xvf3610-ua, xvf3615-int or xvf3615-ua

Optional parameters:
  -s <serial-number>  If nothing is provided, the default device serial number
                      is 123456
  -G                  Flag to enable keyword detector on GPIO interrupt
  -H                  Flag to enable keyword detector on HID event
  -h                  Display this help and exit
pi@raspberrypi:~/vocalfusion-avs-setup $ ./auto_install.sh xvf3510
Delete /home/pi/sdk-folder directory
Delete /home/pi/vocalfusion-avs-setup/vocalfusion-rpi-setup directory
Cloning into 'vocalfusion-rpi-setup'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 566, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (136/136), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (83/83), done.
remote: Total 566 (delta 57), reused 68 (delta 53), pack-reused 430
Receiving objects: 100% (566/566), 104.72 KiB | 1.59 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (330/330), done.
Installing VocalFusion 3510 Raspberry Pi Setup...
error: unknown XMOS device type xvf3510.
lucianomartin commented 2 years ago

This has been fixed with release https://github.com/xmos/vocalfusion-avs-setup/releases/tag/v3.1.0