xmtp / example-notification-server-go

Example push notification server, written in Golang
MIT License
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Example notification server in Node #25

Open nplasterer opened 10 months ago

nplasterer commented 10 months ago

Be great if we could also have this example in Node.

jhaaaa commented 9 months ago

May I ask @nplasterer - we've @fabriguespe's feedback that devs are having trouble setting up push notifications.

We discussed that this issue can't be fixed with improved documentation alone and new tooling is needed. Is this the tooling? =)

Also wondering if we need to consider anything special to make this also work for push notifications with MLS, or perhaps we just rebuild when needed?

Just making sure I understand! <3

nplasterer commented 9 months ago

@jhaaaa so I opened this issue in the existing example notification server repo. This example is written in Go. We've found that many of our integrators backends are written in Node or they are more familiar with Node. This issue is a proposal for another example notification server written in Node. I'm not sure on which end the push notification issues are coming from but this is purely a more readable example of the backend server for sending it. This wouldn't help integrators on the front end side of consuming it. As for the MLS push notifications work we've scoped out this could fit nicely with this example server for showing users how to send these new types of messages. But there will also be other work to help users decode them in the consumer side as well.

nplasterer commented 4 months ago

@daria-github did you mean to rename this to go? We already have a example notification server in Go. This was to track the Node version of it. Would you prefer that issue to be created in a different repo?

nplasterer commented 4 months ago

I don't mind just closing this out and hoping someone open sources a node version of it. 🤷‍♀️ @fabriguespe or @bwcDvorak do you think it's still valuable to prioritize making a notification server in Node? Or should we just shelve this work.