xmtp / libxmtp

LibXMTP is a shared library encapsulating the core functionality of the XMTP messaging protocol, such as cryptography, networking, and language bindings.
MIT License
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Create a list of XMTP allowed chains for Smart Contract Wallets #1071

Closed neekolas closed 2 days ago

neekolas commented 2 days ago

We have settled on this list to start. Will need to verify that all these RPC urls support archival queries that specify a block number.

{ "1": "https://eth.llamarpc.com/", "10": "https://rpc.ankr.com/optimism", "137": "https://polygon.llamarpc.com/", "324": "https://mainnet.era.zksync.io/", "8453": "https://base.llamarpc.com/", "42161": "https://arbitrum.llamarpc.com/", "59144": "https://linea-rpc.publicnode.com/" }