LibXMTP is a shared library encapsulating the core functionality of the XMTP messaging protocol, such as cryptography, networking, and language bindings.
[ ] Set local to published and network publish fails
[ ] if hit wrong epoch, we keep trying to process messages
[ ] check pagination order in query_group_messages
[ ] rely on local group_id from MlsGroup instead of the decrypted message in process_external_message
[ ] Err(AlreadyProcessed) process_for_id how know processed?
[ ] Order of messages/Wrong Epoch
[ ] when wrong epoch hit, want to get the previous pagination, until we hit the right epoch. Once we hit right epoch, re-start processing, and go to next page in message history
[ ] If message order is correct
[ ] Cursor Issue: How can we get later epoch, i.e how to get epoch 25 before epoch 12?
Possible to-investigate:
instead of the decrypted message inprocess_external_message
how know processed?