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Group Chat Spam protection #726

Open nplasterer opened 1 month ago

nplasterer commented 1 month ago

Message kind filtering

The SDK does this behind the scenes to protect against malicious actors trying to spoof the GroupMembershipChangeCodec.

Group chat consent

The ability to deny or allow a group chat. This is on the integrator to handle group chats differently based off of the consent state. Note: the user will still be a part of the group and an at any moment allow the group again. They will be storing and decrypting messages from this group even if it is denied.

Who added me to a group

Using addressed based consent a user can block 0x000 and if 0x000 adds them to a group the integrator can make the decision to handle that group differently

Address based consent

Using addressed based consent a user can block 0x000 and if 0x000 is included in a group with them. The integrator can choose to hide those messages from the user.

COMING SOON --- leave

The ability to choose to leave a group chat. You can not rejoin the group chat without being added by someone currently in the group. You can no longer decrypt messages and future messages will not be stored in the encrypted database.

scotboyd commented 4 weeks ago

Addressed in https://github.com/xmtp/xmtp-dot-org/pull/747