Open Chuang1118 opened 3 years ago
Hello @Chuang1118 ,
I am sorry for the late reply. You can use 'Generic_simulation' module to generate training dataset if you do not have calibration samples.
daism Generic_simulation -platform S -aug scRNA.h5ad -N 16000 -testexp testexp.txt -outdir ./
And then use Generic_mixsam.txt and Generic_mixfra.txt to train DAISM-DNN.
daism training -trainexp ./output/Generic_mixsam.txt -trainfra ./output/Generic_mixfra.txt -net coarse -outdir ./
Best, Zoe
Hello, Thanks, For the moment, I always wait for my GPU, since the graphics card is out of stock. How much gpu memory required for DAISM-DNN, if I have about 100,000 single cells as reference and 50 samples bulkseq? I can use the Slurm Cluster with GPU, but it isn't very easy to set up, exceptional for exploiting new API. Do you have singularity images version 3 ?
For example, I have singularity3 image, I can set up my script call GPU mode inside python.
# this line forces theano to use the GPU
os.environ["THEANO_FLAGS"] = 'device=cuda,floatX=' + data_type + ',force_device=True'
I don't know how to work with DAISM-DNN.
Best, Chuang
Hello author,
Congratulation you got the competition deconvolution.
I just have a question naive. For DAISM-DNN user must be have califra.txt file ?
I.e. I have scRNAseq(.h5ad) as reference with the annotations and bulk expression file, I want to predict cell type proportion within bulk seq dataset.
DAISM-DNN can handle it ?
Best, Chuang