xmyno / oUF_Drk

UnitFrame AddOn using the oUF Framework for the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft
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9.0 API Errors #11

Open VaporAPX opened 3 years ago

VaporAPX commented 3 years ago

With the changes to Setbackdrop, like more addons this one is throwing errors now too. It also has several errors that throw when calling the 'core' function for the various units.


VaporAPX commented 3 years ago

The top error was fixed with updating OuF to its current beta release, but the others persist. I'm sure it's a simple fix but I'm stuck using ElvUI until then lol. Thanks in advance.

xmyno commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately I have not been playing the game for over a year and have no intention of returning, so there will be no further updates, sorry.

VaporAPX commented 3 years ago

This makes me sad all day :( What can I bribe you with for one last fix for shadowlands? lol. I love this UI, been using it for years, just not smart enough to make it work.

Spatcholla commented 3 years ago

I have not played in almost two years now but I am getting pulled back in; if it is okay with @xmyno I'll take a look and see if I can hack my way through it. As I am currently downloading the game it may take a bit for me to even wrap my head around the wow api again. @xmyno are you good with me working on this?

Spatcholla commented 3 years ago

After playing around for a little bit and fixing the issue, I noticed @ddez180001 had already put in a PR that fixes this and then some.

VaporAPX commented 3 years ago

This layout was working fine in 8.3. @xmyno updated it when 8.3 was still in beta testing (with some relay work from myself). These new errors are from the ptr/shadowlands beta and the 9.0 api.

VaporAPX commented 3 years ago

I manually went through last night and added all the SetBackdrop mixin fixes to every frame and got the majority of the addon to work. The only parts that still error are the mirror bar and desaturating non player debuffs on target frame. I don't know if the way I did it is the best way though. So an actual fix to this issue would be great @Spatcholla. I'm sure you have much better LUA knowledge than I do :)

Aideenwolf commented 3 years ago

I posted this on WOWI too - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZqLTyJ0p9ih_R2jQjnCi_C5RKCWiuMAQ/view?usp=sharing

So I was able to get it working There were quite a few changes. and I don't really understand how to use GITHUB..

You do have to have the latest version of OUF (10.0.1 at the time of my testing) I also changed the ver to 9.0 (in line with the SL patch) and updated the TOC

xmyno commented 3 years ago

@Aideenwolf Thank you very much. I started going through your changes and added them on the develop branch with some additional fixes. Looking good so far on initial testing.

I can't really test it in actual combat or group play so I have to rely on feedback from you all :)

Aideenwolf commented 3 years ago

@xmyno I threw in one more fix (that I found last night) Like I said.. I'm not too knowledgeable about github so I hope it shows up.

if it didn't core.lua Line 258 (for me)

        -- Desaturate non-Player Debuffs
        if icon.filter == "HARMFUL" then
            if (unitCaster == 'player' or unitCaster == 'vehicle') then
            elseif(not UnitPlayerControlled(unit)) then -- If Unit is Player Controlled don't desaturate debuffs
                Mixin(icon, BackdropTemplateMixin or {}) -- Test to prevent debuff errors in raids
                icon:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0)
xmyno commented 3 years ago

@Aideenwolf Added (389430b), thanks!