xmyqsh / FPN

Feature Pyramid Network
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running test_net.py gives no detection result #35

Open sayano-lee opened 6 years ago

sayano-lee commented 6 years ago

I managed to do training on my own datasets, after 12w iterations I went for a test by using commands similar to CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python ./faster_rcnn/test_net.py --gpu 0 --weights output/FPN_end2end/voc_0712_trainval/FPN_iter_370000.ckpt --imdb voc_0712_test --cfg ./experiments/cfgs/FPN_end2end.yml --network FPN_test

But detection results from some images turn out to be nothing while the others seem normal. I have my own loader inherited from imdb and it works well on faster-rcnn from this repository:


I'm totally confused, any suggestions will be appreciated, thanks.

yanmengdi123 commented 2 years ago

hi,I would like to ask whether you have got the result of this experiment and how is the effect?Thank you very much!