xn--nding-jua / PC_DIMMER

OpenSource Light-Control-Software for Windows 10 and 11 (x86/x64)
18 stars 9 forks source link

Failure with VUMeter.dll when Reading Adress 00000005 #76

Open Korniman-the-Rooky opened 3 weeks ago

Korniman-the-Rooky commented 3 weeks ago

Subject: Issue with PC_DIMMER after reinstallation

Dear Developer, many greetings from Oberursel, Germany.

I have been using your tool for many years, and last week I had to reinstall the system. I am running a Windows 11, 64-bit system with the latest updates and also latest Version of your program. When I start PC_DIMMER, I receive the error shown in the attached screenshot. (Failure with VUMeter.dll when Reading Adress 00000005) However, the program continues to run afterward, but it behaves strangely, as I don't use the VU Meter. I only use LoopBe1 as a MIDI clock from Virtual DJ and a JMS DMX interface to control the DMX universe.

Do you have any ideas on how to resolve this issue?

Best regards, Benjamin Korntheuer



PHOENIXstudios PC_DIMMER - Version 5.6.0 Build 5061 Fehlerbericht vom 21.10.2024 um 09:22:54

Fehlertyp: EAccessViolation Exception address: 10721066 Verursacher: TMainform

System : Windows 10 Professional, Version: 6.2, Build: 23F0, "" Processor: Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz, 2590 MHz MMX Display : 1920x1080 pixels, 32 bpp

Stack list, generated 21.10.2024 09:22:54 [10721066] DLLSendMessage + $51E (006DDC17) [00ADEC17] (006F0A2A) [00AF1A2A] (0075286F) [00B5386F] (0071EDB2) [00B1FDB2] (000B3965) [004B4965] (000B6939) [004B7939] (00445EC3) [00846EC3] (0009D888) [0049E888] (000A239A) [004A339A] (0009D888) [0049E888] (000A093B) [004A193B] (000B40F1) [004B50F1] (000A093B) [004A193B] (00446DB6) [00847DB6] (0038323B) [0078423B] (003A6E24) [007A7E24] (003834BF) [007844BF] (0009D658) [0049E658] (000A048F) [004A148F] (000A04FA) [004A14FA] (000A236E) [004A336E] (00445FEE) [00846FEE] (0009D888) [0049E888] (00003BDF) [00404BDF] (000A093B) [004A193B] (000B40F1) [004B50F1] (00446DB6) [00847DB6] (0038323B) [0078423B] (003A6E24) [007A7E24] (003834BF) [007844BF] (0009D658) [0049E658] (0009C31B) [0049D31B] (000B3BE6) [004B4BE6] (000BAEA0) [004BBEA0] (0084993C) [00C4A93C]

xn--nding-jua commented 3 weeks ago

"Moin" from Kassel,

well, the VUmeter does not communicate with hardware, but does calculations only. I don't have a clue why this error occurs, but you can simply delete the VUmeter.dll and start the PC_DIMMER without it. It is a only plugin.

I will try to investigate this problem.

cu Chris