xnotepp / xnote

Sources for the XNote++ Thunderbird add-on.
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Incompatible with Thunderbird 115 and test versions #113

Open pmruzicka opened 1 year ago

pmruzicka commented 1 year ago

Is it safe to assume this add-on is dead. I just opened my TBird and it was updated to 115. XNote++ now incompatible. Used this for years. So I am not sure I can add this as an issue. Version I see as latest is 3.3.2 July 2, 2022. Is there a version in testing I can download and try? Does anyone read these anymore?

opto commented 1 year ago

if you look at addons.thunderbird.net (https://addons.thunderbird.net/de/thunderbird/addon/xnotepp/), you will see that the latest version 3.5.14 is of July 3rd, 2023. So of course it will be updated.

Note: if you should have Kaspersky installed (maybe also some other antivirus), some of them block the update server for addons, while main TB updates are possible.

zevrix commented 11 months ago

XNote 3.5.14 update notes inform that Thunderbird 115+ doesn't allow custom columns (this message was displayed when I updated, but I don't know how to get to this message anymore). The message also mentions that TB developers promise to restore this feature (custom columns) at some point.

If XNote's custom column cannot be enabled, this means that XNote is at this point is pretty much dead with 115+, unfortunately. XNote is the main reason I'm using TB as it makes email management so much easier.

I wonder if there's any info on when TB will allow custom columns again?

Until then I'm reverting to TB 104 so I can use XNote as usually.

opto commented 11 months ago

oh, there are 'many' possibilities. In any case, you can use the XNote tag.

As all is html now, one could see whether one can add columns without the add column mechanism of TB. But it would be fixed position, then. Or one could try to have the star icon double colored, showing star and xnote in one icon.

I was told it would come in one of the next versions. Currently, TB 115 is not yet distributed officially (users are not updated), so I decided to wait for the TB team to add this ... for now.


zevrix commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the info, Klaus, and for your great work.

To me, the custom column is THE most important feature of XNote. It's what makes XNote amazing, and what in turn makes TB better than other email clients.

This column makes all the difference between chaos and order in the inbox (and other email folders).

I attached a mockup that illustrates why XNote column is so important. You can briefly annotate what's needed to do regarding certain emails, then just glimpse through the list without having to select and read each individual email over and over again.


rlaggren commented 11 months ago

For those not needing/using any buggy features is there any reasonable way to force xnote install on TB-115? Eg. any dev versions that mostly run?


opto commented 11 months ago

yes, that will be coming as alpha or beta version "soon"

pmruzicka commented 11 months ago

How soon?

cebu23 commented 10 months ago

Thunderbird is now starting to gently nag me to update to 115.2 - I'm currently on 102.15.0 and the "About Mozilla Thunderbird" dialog has the "Update to 115.2.0" prominently where I can hit it by mistake. I know compatibility work is still underway for Xnote - wondering if there might be a way to release an interim version or fork that would work for 115 even if all functionality isn't present (i.e. protect users who screw up and upgrade from losing ALL functionality, even if they lose some like the custom column).

I will studiously stay AWAY from the upgrade button for now. :-)

jeffgoh commented 10 months ago

I see 3.5.16 but my tbird 115.1.0 steadfastly refuses to install it.

GerryT11 commented 9 months ago

FYI: Thunderbird auto-updates to 115.2.3 (64-bit) seem to have started. I tried to avoid it (blocked version), but now it has automatically updated. Now, at the moment, without functioning XNote++

opto commented 9 months ago

this is a first test version for 115. Not for production use

Known issues:

TB has not yet implemented custom columns print not working set tag makes XNote button inoperative

Please report further issues here.



opto commented 9 months ago

actually, here it is: https://github.com/xnotepp/xnote/releases/tag/4.0.1

gjawans commented 9 months ago

Installed but I don't see a single my note, not even the option in the menu to add new one. (TB 115.2.3, PL)

StefanPp commented 9 months ago

For me it work on 115.3.1 (64-Bit Windows 10). Symbols in the Pop-Up-Note looking shuffled. But opening Notes via Menubar works, saving an re-opening on click works fine. Thanks a lot!!

pmruzicka commented 9 months ago

Are all the old notes gone, or is there a setting that needs to be turned on to have them show up? I did figure out how to add new ones. And the symbols/icons at the bottom of the note are garbled. Also, there seems to be no way to move a note on the screen. One more thing, the donation page pops up but there is no link to donate. Where can I do that?

opto commented 9 months ago


this version sets the XNote tag, if that is enabled in options. Currently, there is no custom column yet in TB, so that is the only way to show which mails have a XNote (other than search in general search or with expression search addon - did not test whether tht communication works in 115, and there is a test version for that in github as well.

Donations: many thanks for considering. I will look at the popup, but the link here works: https://addons.thunderbird.net/de/thunderbird/addon/xnotepp/?src=ss

opto commented 9 months ago

printing not working yet, and the display inside the message is not working yet

opto commented 9 months ago

this version shows the note in the message display and in the message window


KL7000F commented 9 months ago

Unfortunately, I've now been forced to update to Thunderbird 115.3.2 :( I'm glad you're currently putting a lot of work into a new XNote version. I'll make sure I donate some to you too! Great addon! I'm in the trial version noticed the following bugs.

Bugs version 4.0.3:

opto commented 8 months ago


XNote within the email should optionally always be opened.
:can be set in the options Position information in the settings has no effect.
:currently only for new notes

In the next days, I will upload this version to have at least some note support.


Are all the old notes gone?
:no, all notes need to be in the folder that is set in options.

KL7000F commented 8 months ago


:can be set in the options

Yes, but it has no effect. The XNote within the email is always displayed "small" and must be enlarged manually. Even with newly created XNote's.

opto commented 8 months ago

@KL7000F I think that never worked, but it is fixed now for the next release

opto commented 8 months ago

this version allows to move the note, use the context menue in threadtree and have a full disply of the note in the message:


jnagler commented 8 months ago

Hi Klaus, thanks for all your effort! Unfortunately my time is too limited to do a thorough report. Where should I post my lay experiences with your v4.0.4? I needed to go back to v4.0.3 as XNote was not working. There was no window to create/edit a note. Existing notes displayed okay on top of the email body. The list of emails (sorry, I am not experienced in the terms to better describe the Thunderbird GUI parts) was altered and space was added to the right of the "Select columns to display" part with a horizontal scroll bar now appearing for this GUI part. The context menu was now more working and still is not after downgrading. Best, Jürgen

KL7000F commented 8 months ago

In version 4.1.5 no keywords are written when a note is created. An icon (or column) for notes now appears in the message overview, but this has no effect yet.

jnagler commented 8 months ago

Windows 11, TB 115.4.1, XNote++ 4.1.5: Thanks for the updates. Context menu is back Create window appears, position and size are based on the size and position settings, it's resizable and can be moved.

Things newly found:

Best, Jürgen

opto commented 8 months ago

custom columns are not yet implemented by TB. I will check whether we might be able to hijack an unimportant column (maybe size) and insert the notes there.

The newest version (coming today) can do keywords and other bugs are fixed

opto commented 8 months ago

this has a lot of fixes (but some from the screenshots are still missing ...


KL7000F commented 8 months ago

Version 4.1.8:

Thanks for your work!

opto commented 8 months ago

this is a workaround that shows XNote in location column. See text in release here: please try this https://github.com/xnotepp/xnote/releases/tag/v4.2.0

Eccenux commented 7 months ago

Just wanted to note that the new API for columns in Thunderbird finally seems to come to life and it seems to be looking good 🙂

Here is a proposal for an API design using the new methods implemented in bug 1817682 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uF-Z-kNBR3OVa_a2gQMRdnUMlHK67VDiofgO4hW8U2s/edit?usp=sharing Edit: Hit the "request access" button to receive commenting capabilities