xobust / Project-Broban

ProjInda15 project
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Workflow #3

Open xobust opened 8 years ago

xobust commented 8 years ago

Lets discuss our workflow on this project

willwull commented 8 years ago

We should work on separate branches right? What kind of branches should we have?

We should also review each others' code before merging with master.

xobust commented 8 years ago

The master branch should only be used for stable code, and there should be some kind of checks before we can merge into the master branch.

xobust commented 8 years ago

All work should be done in a work branch or separate feature branches

willwull commented 8 years ago

What name conventions should we use? @xobust @iRobsc I'm thinking maybe something like:

In the above, {name} should be 2 or 3 words that describes the work.

willwull commented 8 years ago

Should we indicate whether the branch relates to the website or the game in someway? Like

xobust commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure if we should separate the web part and the game part

iRobsc commented 8 years ago

The commits should always follow this style: http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/

willwull commented 8 years ago

@macaullyjames I'm totally confused about branches, do you have any suggestions for naming them?

macaullyjames commented 8 years ago

Please, I have an opinion for everything. There's a "standard" branching model called "git flow" that you can read about here. I would use a stripped down version of that:

Small, short lived branches like this are called feature branches. The name isn't all that important, just call them something descriptive :)

macaullyjames commented 8 years ago

I'd recommend you formalise whatever you decide here in a CONTRIBUTING.md file in the root of the repo 👌

willwull commented 8 years ago

Working on that right now!