xobust / Project-Broban

ProjInda15 project
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Feature/move monster #49

Closed xobust closed 8 years ago

xobust commented 8 years ago

Shuffled around some of the monster code. Please give feedback

fix: #46

iRobsc commented 8 years ago

What do you think of this fix? @macaullyjames This includes static but in a way where all the monsters of the same type share one exact texture

macaullyjames commented 8 years ago

I'm not involved enough in the code to give judgement. It does seem a bit strange though; what are the benefits of making it static? Isn't there a possibility of wanting different types of monsters down the line? :)

xobust commented 8 years ago

@macaullyjames Yes but they need different parameters so then we can have a monster base class and diferent sub monster sub classes

xobust commented 8 years ago

There is also a possibility of loading a spritescheet and the pick the sprite you want from this sheet later

willwull commented 8 years ago

The idea with the spritesheet seems like the best one. I think that when we discussed monsters, we concluded that we wouldn't have different monster classes, but simply have different values. If this is the case, having a spritesheet with all monsters and having it be static seems logical to me.

xobust commented 8 years ago

This already got fixed when we introduced the texturehandler