xolox / vim-easytags

Automated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim
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Can't find .vimtags file #106

Open taromero opened 9 years ago

taromero commented 9 years ago

I fell I'm missing something very obvious here, but I cannot find .vimtags file.

I installed vim-easytags eith Vundler (also installed vim-misc and exuberant-tags). Should .vimtags have been created automatically? do I need to run a command to create it? I just just create an empty file?

I can see tags displayed by tagbar, but I think those are handled differently.

When I try to use C+], I receive several errors of not being able to find different files (including the one I have open with Vim): File "/Users/mjs2600/Projects/{my_proj_paht}/{some_file_name}" does not exists.

Any ideas how I fix this?