xolox / vim-easytags

Automated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim
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Inconsistent highlighting: In Java #138

Open colindjk opened 8 years ago

colindjk commented 8 years ago

So my issue may not be specific to Java, however that is what I am coding in now.

The project I'm working on required me to write a singly linked list with unique properties, but that's not important.

Basically what happens is, some of my classes are getting highlighted via the "easytags_include_members" function, while others are not being highlighted properly, and are instead given the function highlighting.

I tried a few different things to resolve this issue, which also caused other issues...

  1. Rid my vimrc of all things not including easytags, and easytags plugins (including misc). --- So right away this actually DID seem to fix the problem, however then --- I noticed that my methods were now no longer properly highlighted. --- Some methods created in certain classes... (Those classes actually --- not the ones originally highlighted as classes).
  2. Check the .vimtags file for errors --- Upon checking out the vimtags file I noticed that the classes I had made were labelled as such.
  3. Removing various methods from the Java file --- This works!! --- But not really, the weird thing is, when I remove the constructor from --- the tags file, what'll happen is, the class gets highlighted correctly and --- everything's fine... except for the fact that I no longer have a constructor.....

I know this sounds weird but I deduced that the constructor must have been causing the issues, but I have no clue why that'd be. I even tried fiddling with the Java Doc structure above the constructor to see if that had anything to do with it, that obviously didn't work.

If anyone can help, thanks.