xolox / vim-easytags

Automated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim
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Error with NeoVim python 3 #154

Open sandaruny opened 7 years ago

sandaruny commented 7 years ago

I always get this error with the installed easytag and misc libraries in neovim with python 3.5


easytags.vim 3.11: vim-misc 1.17.6: External command failed with exit code 1!
Command line: sh -c '(/usr/bin/ctags-exuberant '\''-R --exclude=.git --exclude=node_modules --exclude=test --exclude=.storybook --exclude=build --exclude=dist --exclude=
coverage'\'' --list-languages) 1>'\''/tmp/nvimK0xqi1/15'\'' 2>'\''/tmp/nvimK0xqi1/16'\'''
Output on standard output stream:
ctags-exuberant: Unknown option: -  (at function xolox#easytags#autoload[7]..xolox#easytags#filetypes#canonicalize[2]..<SNR>180_discover_supported_filetypes[8]..xolox#mi
sc#os#exec, line 163)


easytags.vim 3.11: vim-misc 1.17.6: External command failed with exit code 1!
Command line: sh -c '(/usr/bin/ctags-exuberant '\''-R --exclude=.git --exclude=node_modules --exclude=test --exclude=.storybook --exclude=build --exclude=dist --exclude=
coverage'\'' --list-languages) 1>'\''/tmp/nvimK0xqi1/15'\'' 2>'\''/tmp/nvimK0xqi1/16'\'''
Output on standard output stream:
ctags-exuberant: Unknown option: -  (at function xolox#easytags#autoload[7]..xolox#easytags#filetypes#canonicalize[2]..<SNR>180_discover_supported_filetypes[8]..xolox#mi
sc#os#exec, line 163)