xolox / vim-easytags

Automated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim
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Updatetime too low (clash with python mode) #31

Closed jonasdiemer closed 11 years ago

jonasdiemer commented 11 years ago


python-mode sets the update time to 1000 (1ms). Now I get all sorts of warnings from easytags. Sure I can adjust g:easytags_updatetime_min, but the help says that might break the plugin.

Since easytags is already noticing this, why don't you implement a workaround. I.e. you can check how often you are updated and only perform the actual work every n-th time (where n=g:easytags_updatetime_min/update_time)?

Regards Jonas

jonasdiemer commented 11 years ago

Something like this might fix it (crude code, I have never written vim script before):

--- a/.vim/bundle/vim-easytags/autoload/xolox/easytags.vim  Fri Oct 05 17:52:57 2012 +0200
+++ b/.vim/bundle/vim-easytags/autoload/xolox/easytags.vim  Mon Oct 08 18:55:40 2012 +0200
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@

+let s:CTR = 0
 function! xolox#easytags#autoload(event) " {{{2
     if a:event =~? 'cursorhold'
@@ -51,7 +53,12 @@
         if xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_updatetime_autodisable', exists('g:loaded_neocomplcache'))
-          call xolox#misc#msg#warn("easytags.vim %s: I'm being executed every %i milliseconds! Please :set updatetime=%i. To find where 'updatetime' was changed execute ':verb set ut?'", g:xolox#easytags#version, &updatetime, updatetime_min)
+          if s:CTR == 0
+            call xolox#misc#msg#warn("easytags.vim %s: I'm being executed every %i milliseconds! Please :set updatetime=%i. To find where 'updatetime' was changed execute ':verb set ut?'", g:xolox#easytags#version, s:CTR, updatetime_min)
+            let s:CTR = updatetime_min / &updatetime
+          else
+            let s:CTR = s:CTR - 1
+          endif
kchr commented 11 years ago

Great idea. I fixed up the code a bit, thanks for the prototype :-)

This patch will allow easytags to - if updatetime currently is lower than g:easytags_updatetime_min - wait an appropiate number of times before actually updating tags. I'm using it together with python-mode, which wants updatetime to be set around 1000ms to run optimally. Please test it with other plugins.

It will derive the amount of no-ops (waits) using the following formula:

update_waits = g:easytags_updatetime_min / &updatetime

It introduces two new global variables, one that must be set for the patch to work:

let g:easytags_updatetime_autoadjust (Set to 1 to automatically adjust waiting time, default 0) let g:easytags_updatetime_autoadjust_warning (Set to 0 to hide warning message, default 1)

diff --git a/autoload/xolox/easytags.vim b/autoload/xolox/easytags.vim
index 2088f48..4375ba4 100644
--- a/autoload/xolox/easytags.vim
+++ b/autoload/xolox/easytags.vim
@@ -51,10 +51,46 @@ function! xolox#easytags#autoload(event) " {{{2
         if xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_updatetime_autodisable', exists('g:loaded_neocomplcache'))
-          call xolox#misc#msg#warn("easytags.vim %s: I'm being executed every %i milliseconds! Please :set updatetime=%i. To find where 'updatetime' was changed execute ':verb set ut?'", g:xolox#easytags#version, &updatetime, updatetime_min)
+          " Automatically adjust our update time? 
+          if xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_updatetime_autoadjust', 0)
+            " Is this the first time we have to skip update?
+            if !exists('b:easytags_updatetime_skip')
+              let b:easytags_updatetime_skipped = 0
+              try
+                let b:easytags_updatetime_skip = updatetime_min / &updatetime
+              catch
+                call xolox#misc#msg#warn('easytags.vim: Could not calc skip')
+                let b:easytags_updatetime_skip = 5
+              endtry
+            endif
+            " Have we waited enough times?
+            if b:easytags_updatetime_skipped < b:easytags_updatetime_skip
+              let b:easytags_updatetime_skipped += 1
+              if xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_updatetime_autoadjust_warning', 1)
+                call xolox#misc#msg#warn("easytags.vim %s: [%s] Delaying update to better match easytags_updatetime_min (%i) [#%i/%i] (Set easytags_updatetime_autoadjust_warning=0 to hide this message)", g:xolox#easytags#version, expand('%'), &updatetime, b:easytags_updatetime_skipped, b:easytags_updatetime_skip)
+              endif
+              return
+            endif
+          else
+            call xolox#misc#msg#warn("easytags.vim %s: I'm being executed every %i milliseconds! Please :set updatetime=%i. To find where 'updatetime' was changed execute ':verb set ut?'", g:xolox#easytags#version, &updatetime, updatetime_min)
+          endif
+    if exists('b:easytags_updatetime_skip')
+      if xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_updatetime_autoadjust_warning', 1)
+        call xolox#misc#msg#warn("easytags.vim %s: [%s] Done waiting to match VIM updatetime. Will update for real", g:xolox#easytags#version, expand('%'))
+      endif
+      " Reset counters, we're done waiting for now
+      unlet b:easytags_updatetime_skipped
+      unlet b:easytags_updatetime_skip
+    endif
     let do_update = xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_auto_update', 1)
     let do_highlight = xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_auto_highlight', 1) && &eventignore !~? '\<syntax\>'
     " Don't execute this function for unsupported file types (doesn't load

I commited a pull request #42.

xolox commented 11 years ago

Hi Jonas and Kim! As mentioned in the other issues / pull requests this should since have been fixed, so I'm closing this issue now.