xolox / vim-easytags

Automated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim
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Getting 'Ctags isn't installed' even though it is (and set). #53

Closed oryband closed 11 years ago

oryband commented 11 years ago

I have exuberant-ctags installed to /usr/bin/ctags and also /usr/bin/ctags-exuberant (same program). In addition I also set let g:easytags_cmd = '/usr/bin/ctags, but I'm still getting this upon Vim startup:

Error detected while processing function <SNR>61_InitEasyTags..<SNR>61_CheckCtags:
line    6:
E117: Unknown function: xolox#misc#os#exec
E15: Invalid expression: xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': command, 'check': 0})
line    7:
E121: Undefined variable: result
E15: Invalid expression: result['exit_code'] == 0
Error detected while processing function <SNR>61_InitEasyTags:
line    6:
E117: Unknown function: xolox#misc#os#is_win
E15: Invalid expression: xolox#misc#os#is_win()
Error detected while processing /freespace/stud/oryb/dotfiles/vim/bundle/vim-easytags/autoload/xolox/easytags.vim:
line  859:
E117: Unknown function: xolox#misc#option#get
E15: Invalid expression: xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_include_members', 0)
easytags.vim 3.3.6: Plug-in not loaded because Exuberant Ctags isn't installed! On Ubuntu & Debian you can install Exuberant Ctags by installing the package named `exuberant-ctags': sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags

I'm working on a machine without admin privileages, so I can't specifically install exuberant-ctags, but it appears to be installed and can be called from the terminal, including Vim's terminal (:!ctags works).

And idea how to fix this?

xolox commented 11 years ago

Sorry, this is caused by a recent change:

From the readme:

Please note that the vim-easytags plug-in requires my vim-misc plug-in which is separately distributed.

From the vim-misc readme:

The vim-misc plug-in contains Vim scripts that are used by most of the Vim plug-ins I've written yet don't really belong with any single one of the plug-ins. Basically it's an extended standard library of Vim script functions that I wrote during the development of my Vim profile and plug-ins.

In the past these scripts were bundled with each plug-in, however that turned out to be a maintenance nightmare for me. That's why the miscellaneous scripts are now a proper plug-in with their own page on Vim Online.

Because the miscellaneous scripts are no longer bundled with my Vim plug-ins, users are now required to install the miscellaneous scripts separately. This is unfortunate for users who are upgrading from a previous release that did bundle the miscellaneous scripts, but I don't see any way around this. Sorry!

So please install xolox/vim-misc as a separate plug-in and it should work.

oryband commented 11 years ago

Why don't you just add a git submodule of vim-misc inside each of your other plugins (i.e. vim-easytags)? This way you can pin a certain vim-misc version to each plugin, and/or update each version at will.

xolox commented 11 years ago

It would give a false sense of isolation; if my Vim plug-ins bundle the miscellaneous scripts and more than one of my Vim plug-ins is installed in a Vim profile, the miscellaneous scripts will all be loaded from the submodule of a single plug-in. So if compatibility changes, the other plug-ins would break. Also, I've tried submodules before and it didn't work out.