xolox / vim-easytags

Automated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim
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Please add ctags custom arguments only for easytags #70

Closed oafish closed 9 years ago

oafish commented 10 years ago

Because there are many vim plugins using ctags. Such as taglist and omnicomplete. If I change ~/.ctags it will impact all other plugins. For example if I want easytags generate tags file and it is used by omnicomplete too. I have to add --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q in ~/.ctags. But taglist will display duplicate item in function name by using same ~/ctags config file. Could you please add a option for ctags arguments only for easytags?

xolox commented 9 years ago

This is possible using the g:easytags_opts option which was added in 075ffe9054dd71f8c2f26fe9cfa4fd5200e6af96 (version 3.9) in November 2014. Sorry for not following up here earlier. Happy Vimming!