xolox / vim-easytags

Automated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim
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Add ability to exclude files and directories based on wildignore #72

Closed maurizi closed 7 years ago

inkarkat commented 10 years ago

Note that this requires ctags support for wildcards (which the version 5.8 Windows binary I'm using doesn't have), as 'wildignore' likely has those, too.

A different approach / alternative might be the easytags_auto_disabled (buffer-local or global) flag introduced by my pull request #83. I use a BufRead autocmd to set this for backup file buffers, to avoid that those are included in the tags file when I open them with Vim. (A :UpdateTags won't consider those (regardless of 'wildignore', as the file pattern doesn't match the list of recognized ctags languages.), anyway.)