xolox / vim-easytags

Automated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim
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local variables #81

Closed hushicai closed 6 years ago

hushicai commented 10 years ago

HI, recenly, i am playing with c++, and I wonder if local variables should be generated by easytags?

some code as below:

int main() {
    int a = 0;
    double b = 3.14;

    cout << a << b << endl;

Now I want to jump to the definition of a variable under cursor, it seems that easytags does not support it. But ctags can do it with args --c-kinds=+l.

How can i add my custom args to easytags?

I have tested on the easytags_language option, but fails to work. Can you give me some tips?

hushicai commented 10 years ago

The config below seems to be usable:

let g:easytags_languages = {
\   'c++': {
\       'args': ['--fields=+l', '--c-kinds=+lp', '--c++-kinds=+p']
\   }

Is there any disadvantage when i put it in my vimrc?