xolox / vim-lua-ftplugin

Lua file type plug-in for the Vim text editor
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[Discussion] Do not load all available modules #12

Closed naquad closed 10 years ago

naquad commented 11 years ago

Situation: LGI and IUP installed. IUP loads GTK2, LGI loads GTK3. BOOM! SEGFAULT! GTK2 and GTK3 can not be loaded into the same address space. CDIUPLUACAIRO - can not be loaded w/o IUPLUA, CDLUAIUP, IMLUA, ... in other case - segfault.

My point is: one can not load all libs and hope they'll somehow work. Plus modules can have side effects.

I'm thinking about the following solution:

  1. drag in LPeg and Lua parse in LPeg (see http://lua-users.org/wiki/LpegRecipes) or some another Lua parser written in Lua (http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaGrammar) for example piece of LuaMinify (https://github.com/stravant/LuaMinify) to find all require() calls
  2. fork process trying to require module and get all its vars + tracing globals

Even if it'll crash we won't care because VIM itself won't crash. Forking will require us to add some sort of caching for stuff to avoid dozens of forks per line typed (better take more RAM then hang for seconds). There'll also have to be a way to clear cache (in theory its just one command).

It sounds bad, ugly and hard to do, but I don't see much options here. Even if we'll drop part 1 (thats with parser) stuff will be much more stable with moving require()s to separate process.

What do you think about this?

P.S. I hope to get to implementation of this somewhere on weekend.

xolox commented 11 years ago

Hey Daniel,

Thanks for the feedback! This is a complex topic so here's a heads up for the wall of text below ;-)

I'm assuming we are talking about omni completion here? The feature is disabled by default precisely because of the can of worms you just opened: potential side effects like rm -Rf / ;-), loading of incompatible shared objects, etc.

A lot of reasoning/thought went into how the Lua file type plug-in for Vim works right now. Literally years :-). Of course that's no to say that it is perfect (far from it). Anyway, I like KISS as a design principle and the things you propose are far from KISS :-P. I understand why of course; I struggled with the same issues you bring up here for quite a while before I published the file type plug-in with its current feature set.

My thoughts on the issue:

I can see problems with moving the runtime analysis to a separate process:

Despite all of the above, I am of course interested in improving the plug-in and the dynamic completion system.

One simple change that would improve the usability of the plug-in given how it currently works would be to implement a black list of modules that should never be imported for dynamic completion. This would allow to exclude e.g. awful while preserving the usefulness of the current completion system. Of course this doesn't (yet) deal with modules that 'conflict' with each other (like you reported above).

So no clear answer from me, just more questions :-). Sorry about that. I'm interested to read your thoughts on this.

xolox commented 10 years ago

I will go ahead and close this issue now because it's been more than a year and I just implemented the previously mentioned black list (see pull request #21 for details).