In my system lua (version 5.1),
if there is any errors in the file. the command "luac -p xxx.lua# exit with code 1.
it will cause the plugin throw an exception and stop the plugin
in os.vim
"Try using my shell.vim plug-in.
"return call('xolox#shell#execute', [a:cmdline, 1] + a:000)
"catch /^Vim\%((\a+))\=:E117/
"Fall back to system() when we get an "unknown function" error.
let output = call('system', [a:cmdline] + a:000)
"if v:shell_error
"throw printf("os.vim %s: Command %s failed: %s", g:xolox#misc#os#vers ion, a:cmdline, xolox#misc#str#trim(output))
return split(output, "\n")
I have to comment the catch setences to let the plugin continue to run.
In my system lua (version 5.1), if there is any errors in the file. the command "luac -p xxx.lua# exit with code 1. it will cause the plugin throw an exception and stop the plugin
in os.vim
"try "Try using my shell.vim plug-in. "return call('xolox#shell#execute', [a:cmdline, 1] + a:000) "catch /^Vim\%((\a+))\=:E117/ "Fall back to system() when we get an "unknown function" error. let output = call('system', [a:cmdline] + a:000) "if v:shell_error "throw printf("os.vim %s: Command %s failed: %s", g:xolox#misc#os#vers ion, a:cmdline, xolox#misc#str#trim(output)) "endif return split(output, "\n") "endtry
I have to comment the catch setences to let the plugin continue to run.
Thank you