xolox / vim-lua-ftplugin

Lua file type plug-in for the Vim text editor
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freeze when complete awesome's awful module (edit: support exclude list?) #4

Open lilydjwg opened 12 years ago

lilydjwg commented 12 years ago

With the awesome window manager installed, open /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua and type awful., where the last dot triggers completion, my gvim just freezes and strace shows that it hangs on a futex system call.

xolox commented 11 years ago

This concerns omni-completion right? From the readme:

The 'omnifunc' option is set to allow dynamic completion of the variables defined in all modules installed on the system using Control-X Control-O, however it needs to be explicitly enabled by setting the lua_complete_omni option because this functionality may have undesired side effects!

I've seen hangs on the futex system call with other modules as well. The best I can do is to allow for an exclude list of "known to misbehave" modules on the module search path.

idbrii commented 7 years ago

For future readers, that blacklist is lua_omni_blacklist.