let s:groups = {}
let s:groups['GlobalDefined'] = ['guifg=#600000', 'guifg=#ffc080']
let s:groups['GlobalUndefined'] = 'ErrorMsg'
let s:groups['LocalUnused'] = ['guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000080', 'guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000080']
let s:groups['LocalMutated'] = ['gui=italic guifg=#000080', 'gui=italic guifg=#c0c0ff']
let s:groups['UpValue'] = ['guifg=#0000ff', 'guifg=#e8e8ff']
let s:groups['Param'] = ['guifg=#000040', 'guifg=#8080ff']
let s:groups['Local'] = ['guifg=#000040', 'guifg=#c0c0ff']
let s:groups['FieldDefined'] = ['guifg=#600000', 'guifg=#ffc080']
let s:groups['FieldUndefined'] = ['guifg=#c00000', 'guifg=#ff0000']
let s:groups['SelectedVariable'] = 'CursorLine'
let s:groups['SyntaxError'] = 'SpellBad'
let s:groups['WrongArgCount'] = 'SpellLocal'
We should add some global var(?) to let me customize the color without modifying the source code
We should add some global var(?) to let me customize the color without modifying the source code