xolox / vim-notes

Easy note taking in Vim
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when disabling smart quotes, single/double quotes are no longer highlighted #121

Open alxyang opened 8 years ago

alxyang commented 8 years ago

I prefer to leave the smart quote substitution disabled, as it prevents me from using certain vim sequences like ci' (change inside singlequote). It no longer works because the singlequote is replaced by some unicode character.

but when smart quote substitution is disabled, the singlequote and doublequoted strings no longer get highlighted. I tried tinkering with the highlight settings and nothing seemed to work.

Is there any way we can retain the single/double quoted string syntax highlight when smart quotes is disabled?

alxyang commented 8 years ago

hafter further testing, enabling smart quotes while disabling unicode seems to let the double-quotes work, but the single quotes still have issues. My settings look like

let g:notes_directories = ['~/notes']
let g:notes_conceal_url = 0
let g:notes_conceal_bold = 0
let g:notes_conceal_italic = 0
"let g:notes_smart_quotes = 0 <- commented out
let g:notes_unicode_enabled = 0
let g:notes_conceal_code = 0