xolox / vim-notes

Easy note taking in Vim
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How to dump a markdown file straight-away? #88

Closed symbolix closed 10 years ago

symbolix commented 10 years ago


I am trying to integrate a note taking project with a git repository. I keep my notes, but also would like to have an markdown version the moment I save my note. In this way I can push the markdown files to my git repository once I save my note. Is this possible?

Well, I tried to create an "au BufWritePre" workflow, but it seems like I cannot any kind of a BufWrite behaviour to work? If I were to get that working, I could have written a function to dump a markdown file in parallel, but no success so far.

Any ideas?


xolox commented 10 years ago

Hi symbolix,

I tried defining a BufWritePost automatic command that would be triggered after a note is saved but was unable to get it working; the automatic command is never triggered. This confirms your issue.

I suspected that the use of the BufWriteCmd automatic command by vim-notes is the cause of this so I tried to find a reference in the Vim documentation. Unfortunately this part of the manual is somewhat thin so I couldn't find anything. However I took a look at the netrw plug-in bundled with Vim and indeed it manually triggers BufWritePre and BufWritePost automatic commands.

I'll see if I can do the same in vim-notes. The only problem is the unexpected fallout this can create because I'll suddenly be enabling BufWritePre and BufWritePost automatic commands that have previously always been disabled while editing notes... I can think of one way to find out :-)

xolox commented 10 years ago

I just released vim-notes 0.28, please try it out and let me know whether it resolves your issue. Cheers!

xolox commented 10 years ago

Hey @symbolix, I'm pretty sure you can use a BufWritePost automatic command to do what you had in mind with the latest version of vim-notes, so I'm going to close this issue. If you're still having trouble with this please feel free to reopen this issue or report a new one. Thanks for the bug report and happy Vimming!