xolox / vim-session

Extended session management for Vim (:mksession on steroids)
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Add ConqueTerm Support #17

Open cwood opened 12 years ago

cwood commented 12 years ago

Not sure if other people have gotten this but using sessions with ConqueTerm it wont work. It'll just leave a blank buffer instead of where I was in the command session. Thanks for the plugins! They rock!

xolox commented 11 years ago

Hi Colin and thanks for the suggestion! I just released version 2.2 of the vim-session plug-in which should support the Conque Shell plug-in out of the box. It's far from perfect (it cannot save/restore previous input/output) but it will restart the program you were running inside :ConqueTerm.

zxiest commented 9 years ago

Thanks for this plugin, @xolox :-) Is this feature broken now? :OpenSession is reloading everything but showing a blank window for my ConqueTerm

xolox commented 9 years ago

I'm reopening this issue (so I don't lose track of it) because @zxiest reported that this is broken. Should be fixed based on #98.

zxiest commented 9 years ago

Haha.. Just for the record, I ended up dropping ConqueTerm and started using Vim inside tmux =)

xolox commented 9 years ago

@zxiest: Thanks for the follow up, I hope the Vim inside tmux approach works out for you! screen and tmux will always be better than emulation of a terminal inside a Vim buffer, so the choice makes a lot of sense :-). Personally I use a tiling window manager so none of this is relevant for me, everything is always tiled the way I like it, so no embedding is necessary :-).

zxiest commented 9 years ago

@xolox, thank you for being on top of this! I was using ConqueTerm because I didn't know any better. I hope those who see this thread would consider an alternative approach. Care to share what tiling window manager you use?

xolox commented 9 years ago


Care to share what tiling window manager you use?

Of course! I use Awesome. My initial reason for choosing Awesome over the other dozen choices (ratpoison, xmonad, for more inspiration see the archlinux wiki) is that Lua is one of my favorite programming languages and Awesome's configuration files are plain Lua, making it easy to customize. I've replaced most of Gnome (the desktop environment) with Awesome (more of a window manager) so I do miss some stuff, but I've learned to adjust. Not ever having to manually tile a window again is kind of worth it (for me) :-).

zxiest commented 9 years ago

This looks pretty cool! Thanks for sharing! I'm using a mac and it looks like Awesome doesn't support osx. I have installed a few tools (i.e shift it) that make window tiling a little faster but it's nothing like having everything at the same place all the time. What I like about osx though is the capability to switch between virtual desktops easily (it works with multiple monitors too). I attach a second (large) monitor to my laptop and have the following setup:


xolox commented 9 years ago


What I like about osx though is the capability to switch between virtual desktops easily (it works with multiple monitors too). I attach a second (large) monitor to my laptop ...

I think our setups are actually pretty similar except I use automatic tiling and you use manual tiling! My Awesome configuration defines five virtual desktops on each physical display and just like you I usually have an additional monitor attached to my laptop so I have a total of 10 virtual desktops (I switch between them with the Super+Left and Super+Right key combinations). I make it a habit of keeping every project I'm working on on a "dedicated" virtual desktop (most projects involve gVim, gitk, git gui and a terminal). Then I have one virtual desktop for a web browser with documentation (just like you :-) and a couple of desktops (not hidden in any way) for random stuff that pops up.

zxiest commented 9 years ago

I think your setup is much better. It's really annoying that I have to reorganize my windows at the same place every time in order to create a consistent workflow. Also, I get really annoyed when I unplug my laptop from my second monitor and then plug it back in; I have to reposition my windows all over again! Also, Cmd+Tab on my Mac doesn't work like alt+tab did when I was on Windows. Windows uses a stack, so if you alt+tab twice, you start switching between the last two windows you've used (regardless if they're of the same process, etc...)

Anyway... I'll go look for auto tiling windows for mac now haha :-) (Meanwhile, if you have other productivity tips to share, I'm full of ears!!)

Thanks for sharing! I hope this thread will help some people make their environments more pleasant to work in :-)