xolox / vim-session

Extended session management for Vim (:mksession on steroids)
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gVim 8.1.1 full-screen #176

Open antaed opened 6 years ago

antaed commented 6 years ago

Since updating Vim to version 8.1.1, the window doesn't keep its full-screen state when switching sessions.

vasilakisfil commented 4 years ago

@antaed since this repo is not maintained any more, the fix I apply is a command after I open the session:

fun! s:redraw()
  set guiheadroom=0
  let cursize = substitute(&guifont, s:pattern, '\2', '')
  call SetFontSize(cursize)

command! -nargs=0 Fix call s:redraw()

just run :Fix and it will make it full screen again.

antaed commented 4 years ago

@vasilakisfil thanks a lot