Open eduardoarandah opened 5 years ago
This provides a great idea to create a viminfo file that autosaves/autoloads with same name as the session:
command! -bang -complete=file -nargs=? Mksession mksession<bang> <args> |
\ let [s:viminfofile, s:viminfo] = [&viminfofile, &viminfo] |
\ try |
\ let [&viminfofile, &viminfo] = [v:this_session . '.viminfo', 'f'] |
\ wviminfo! |
\ finally |
\ let [&viminfofile, &viminfo] = [s:viminfofile, s:viminfo] |
\ endtry
augroup ViminfoSessionRestore
autocmd SessionLoadPost * |
\ let [s:viminfofile, s:viminfo] = [&viminfofile, &viminfo] |
\ try |
\ let [&viminfofile, &viminfo] = [v:this_session . '.viminfo', 'f'] |
\ rviminfo! |
\ finally |
\ let [&viminfofile, &viminfo] = [s:viminfofile, s:viminfo] |
\ endtry
augroup END
so your sessions directory would look like:
I tried it but couldn't make progress
I’ve been looking all over the place to save/load my markers in a session instead of globally (which I find pretty dumb tbh)
So, let’s say I have an “I” marker for the info.txt in each project, doesn’t mix with the info.txt in another project.
I’ve read that
let you create a viminfo file in another location. And that’s exactly what I want to happen when I have a session.Is this possible?
If so, would you consider integrating it? I’d like to contribute but have no idea about vimscript 😅