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Error Running Internet Explorer Driver #71

Closed sudsy closed 8 years ago

sudsy commented 9 years ago

{ [Error: The best matching driver provider org.openqa.selenium.edge.EdgeDriver can't create a new driver instance for Capabilities [{rotatable=true, locationCo ntextEnabled=true, name=, loggingPrefs=org.openqa.selenium.logging.LoggingPrefer ences@49f264be, browserName=IE, javascriptEnabled=true, handlesAlerts=true, vers ion=, platform=ANY, requestOrigins={name=webdriverio, version=3.2.1, url=http:// webdriver.io}}] Build info: version: '2.47.1', revision: '411b314', time: '2015-07-30 03:03:16' System info: host: 'MBP-WINDOWS', ip: '', os.name: 'Windows 7', os. arch: 'amd64', os.version: '6.1', java.version: '1.8.0_60' Driver info: driver.version: unknown]

I can successfully test against Chrome and Firefox

samhatoum commented 8 years ago

can you provide a little more context please?

sudsy commented 8 years ago

I managed to find the answer to this it seems I needed to specify --browser="internet explorer" rather than --browser=ie in my particular situation. For more background see:


It seems that the browser names have changed since MS released the new edge browser.

samhatoum commented 8 years ago

thanks for reporting back, and the PR

SindhuGupta commented 7 years ago


I am facing the same error for safari browser.

Please find the details below: E/launcher - The best matching driver provider org.openqa.selenium.edge.EdgeDriver can't create a new driver instance for Capabilities [{count=1, browserName=safari}] Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03' System info: host: 'BLRL36257', ip: '', os.name: 'Windows 7', os.arch: 'x86', os.version: '6.1', java.version: '1.7.0_17' Driver info: driver.version: unknown

Here is my config:

multiCapabilities: [ { browserName: 'safari' } ]

Please provide solution.

Thanks, Sindhu