xolvio / meteor-rtd-example-project

A template project to use for creating a meteor app with unit and webdriver testing
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Exits with Bus error: 10 #26

Closed dgtlife closed 10 years ago

dgtlife commented 10 years ago

I have not yet been able to get this demo project to run yet. When I run: $ ./rtd --debug

Selenium, Karma, and Meteor all start up fine ... then I see this:

Running "watch" task
[D] Task source: /Users/Derek/DGTLife/WebLab/meteor/meteor-rtd-example-project/test/rtd/node_modules/grunt-contrib-watch/tasks/watch.js
Waiting..../rtd: line 11: 22364 Bus error: 10           grunt --debug

and the process exits; then I'm back at the prompt.

I searched for the "Bus error: 10" in this issue queue, but no one seems to have experienced this. I'm running on a MBP with OS X Mavericks with:

node v0.10.20 meteor which I switch down to for rtd phantomjs 1.9.2-2 karma 0.10.4 grunt-cli v0.1.9 grunt v0.4.1 jasmine-node 1.11.0 istanbul 0.1.44

Any thoughts on which component is complaining about the bus error?

xolvio commented 10 years ago

First time I've seen BUS error! I just got a MBP running OSX M as well so I'll give it a spin and report back...

xolvio commented 10 years ago

Works here. Seems to be a problem with the way node is installed. Check here:


Hope that helps

xolvio commented 10 years ago

Let me know how you go

dgtlife commented 10 years ago

Yup. I moved up to node 0.10.21 and all components are happy now. Thanks for the quick response.
PS: I stayed on 0.10.20 because Meteor is still tracking that version. Hopefully, this node upgrade doesn't precipitate other issues :-)