xolvio / meteor-rtd-example-project

A template project to use for creating a meteor app with unit and webdriver testing
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problem starting up #29

Closed ryw closed 10 years ago

ryw commented 10 years ago

Trying to test out RTD, followed instructions from README, but when I run grunt, test/acceptance/leaderboard.spec.js errors on line 9.

Fatal error: Error: Cannot find module '../rtd/node_modules/selenium-webdriver'


Here are the contents of my node_modules directory within rtd directory... no selenium-webdriver:

freeport growl grunt grunt-bg-shell grunt-contrib-coffee grunt-contrib-jshint grunt-contrib-watch grunt-cucumber grunt-exec grunt-zip hash_file karma-chrome-launcher karma-coffee-preprocessor karma-coverage karma-firefox-launcher karma-html2js-preprocessor karma-jasmine karma-junit-reporter karma-phantomjs-launcher karma-requirejs karma-script-launcher libnotify request requirejs


xolvio commented 10 years ago

Hi. It looks like webdriver didn't install. It's in the packages.json so when you do npm install is should be downloaded. Try to do npm install inside the RTD directory and try again

ryw commented 10 years ago

thanks — this solved my issue.