xolvio / meteor-rtd-example-project

A template project to use for creating a meteor app with unit and webdriver testing
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rsync error #39

Closed andrashee closed 10 years ago

andrashee commented 10 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to checkout your nice example project. Unfortunately I always get this error:

meteor-rtd-example-project xyz$ sudo  ./node_modules/.bin/rtd --debug
Running "bgShell:killAll" (bgShell) task
[D] Task source: /Users/xyz/xyz/meteor-rtd-example-project/node_modules/rtd/node_modules/grunt-bg-shell/tasks/bg-shell.coffee

Running "downloadAndOrStartSelenium" task
[D] Task source: /Users/xyz/xyz/meteor-rtd-example-project/node_modules/rtd/Gruntfile.js

Running "bgShell:startKarma" (bgShell) task
[D] Task source: /Users/xyz/xyz/meteor-rtd-example-project/node_modules/rtd/node_modules/grunt-bg-shell/tasks/bg-shell.coffee

Running "bgShell:synchronizeMirrorApp" (bgShell) task
[D] Task source: /Users/xyz/xyz/meteor-rtd-example-project/node_modules/rtd/node_modules/grunt-bg-shell/tasks/bg-shell.coffee
>> rsync: link_stat "/app/." failed: No such file or directory (2)
>> rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /SourceCache/rsync/rsync-42/rsync/main.c(992) [sender=2.6.9]
>> cp: /test/acceptance/fixtures/*: No such file or directory
>> /bin/sh: /build/mirror_app/.meteor/packages: No such file or directory
>> /bin/sh: /build/mirror_app/.meteor/packages: No such file or directory
>> /bin/sh: /build/mirror_app/.meteor/packages: No such file or directory
>> /bin/sh: /build/mirror_app/.meteor/packages: No such file or directory
Fatal error: Command failed: rsync -av --delete -q --delay-updates --force --exclude=".meteor/local" /app/ /build/mirror_app;mkdir -p /build/mirror_app/packages;cd /build/mirror_app/packages;ln -s /Users/xyz/xyz/meteor-rtd-example-project/node_modules/rtd/lib/istanbul-middleware-port .;ln -s /Users/xyz/xyz/meteor-rtd-example-project/node_modules/rtd/lib/meteor-fixture .;cp /test/acceptance/fixtures/* /build/mirror_app/server;echo >> /build/mirror_app/.meteor/packages;echo http >> /build/mirror_app/.meteor/packages;echo istanbul-middleware-port >> /build/mirror_app/.meteor/packages;echo meteor-fixture >> /build/mirror_app/.meteor/packages;

What could be wrong? Thanks!

samhatoum commented 10 years ago

Hi. I wonder if running it as sudo is doing that. Can you try without sudo?

andrashee commented 10 years ago

Hi Sam. Thanks for the tip. You’re exactly right. Running as sudo leads to this problem. I fixed now all the permissions of my meteor, meteorite, npm modules and now it runs without sudo.

samhatoum commented 10 years ago
