xombiemp / rutorrentMobile

Plugin for ruTorrent to use it with mobile devies (Android, iOS, etc)
GNU General Public License v3.0
112 stars 17 forks source link

Issues with ruTorrent 4.3 #41

Open castillo92 opened 2 months ago

castillo92 commented 2 months ago

Hello Xombiemp

You updated today this great plugin for make it compatible with new release of ruTorrent 4.3 and want to say thanks you. I updated a couple of hours ago.

I only found a little lack of labels in top menu and the following error in console, hope it could help to solve it:


EDIT: the following error is not appearing anymore. Could be because a cache issue


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'get') from TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'get')
    at plugin.updatedRSSEntry (<anonymous>:3639:46)
    at catlist.refreshPanel.prss (<anonymous>:3653:9)
    at CategoryList.refresh (https://myURL.com/rutorrent/js/category-list.js:463:35)
    at theWebUI.addRSSItems (<anonymous>:3761:10)
    at Object.<anonymous> (https://myURL.com/rutorrent/js/rtorrent.js?v=430:1301:22)
    at c (https://myURL.com/rutorrent/js/jquery.js?v=430:2:25266)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (https://myURL.com/rutorrent/js/jquery.js?v=430:2:26015)
    at l (https://myURL.com/rutorrent/js/jquery.js?v=430:2:77721)
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (https://myURL.com/rutorrent/js/jquery.js?v=430:2:80204)

xombiemp commented 2 months ago

Looks like this is related to the RSS plugin. I don't use the RSS plugin. Maybe try disabling the RSS plugin temporarily, just to see if it resolves the problem or not.

castillo92 commented 2 months ago

Looks like this is related to the RSS plugin. I don't use the RSS plugin. Maybe try disabling the RSS plugin temporarily, just to see if it resolves the problem or not.

Hello! No, I disabled RSS and RSSURLREWRITE (because is dependent) and still show the UI incomplete: I also disables cache and force mobile user agent

The error I wrote in OP is not appearing anymore, with or without this two plugins


xombiemp commented 2 months ago

Hmm. Attach output in the dev tools Console tab when the RSS plugins are disabled.

castillo92 commented 2 months ago

Hmm. Attach output in the dev tools Console tab when the RSS plugins are disabled.


With rss plugin disabled, the console not show errors, only issues.
