xombiemp / ultimate-torrent-setup

All the files needed for the Ultimate Torrent Setup, featuring Ubuntu, rtorrent, ruTorrent, Sonarr, Radarr.
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Not an issue, but a request #58

Closed captnslw closed 6 years ago

captnslw commented 6 years ago

Hi! great guide, great details. But could you do one were you swap out sonarr for sickrage? as sickrage works better with torrent sites for legacy search etc.

Thanks again. Great guide!

crsantos commented 6 years ago

I'm sorry, excuse me for trying to give my 2 cents here.

I was a user of sickbeard, sickrage and none of them is any better than sonarr. If you struggle to find a working API for your current tracker that works with Sonarr, I suggest you to try Jackett.

With Jackett you can "emulate" API support even for searching.

xombiemp commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I prefer Sonarr.