Open Dmitresso opened 4 days ago
But I have not succeeded in finding out what engine is working under the hood, is it commonmark-compliant? GFM support? I think there is a high probability it's based on markdig but it's only suggestion.
I don't know the details, but the default Markdown Editor in VS is using Markdig (the assembly is in some sub folders in VS install)
I believe it might be a derived work from @MadsKristensen v1 version, which now has a v2 version with MarkdownEditor2022
I've just installed VS LTSC 17.4 + last MarkdownEditor2022 2.0.169 to compare with my VS 2022 17.10.3 default markdown editor.
There are Microsoft.VisualStudio.Markdown.Platform
and MarkdownEditor2022
in %localappdata%
This is it at first glance on hierarchy.
Hello. Visual Studio added markdown support in version 2022 release 17.5. Changelog above tells decision was made based on the results of a vote on developer community forum (topic from 08.10.2018). But I have not succeeded in finding out what engine is working under the hood, is it commonmark-compliant? GFM support? I think there is a high probability it's based on markdig but it's only suggestion.