This is a Windows-specific bug caused by System.IO.Path.GetFullPath calling System.IO.PathHelper.TryExpandShortFileName for paths containing a ~.
IFileSystemWatcher events created from a SubFileSystem will be silently discarded if all these conditions are met:
We're on Windows
The path given when creating the SubFileSystem has incorrect case
The path segments with incorrect case are short enough to be a SFN
The changed file name includes a ~ anywhere
We noticed this when watching for .cs file changes while editing using Visual Studio. VS won't directly write to files when saving, instead creating a temporary file named something like Example~xxxx.tmp, which is then renamed to replace the actual target file.
GetFullPath gets called by all the PhysicalFileSystem.Watcher.Remap methods via ConvertPathFromInternalImpl:
This is a Windows-specific bug caused by System.IO.Path.GetFullPath calling System.IO.PathHelper.TryExpandShortFileName for paths containing a
IFileSystemWatcher events created from a SubFileSystem will be silently discarded if all these conditions are met:
anywhereWe noticed this when watching for .cs file changes while editing using Visual Studio. VS won't directly write to files when saving, instead creating a temporary file named something like
, which is then renamed to replace the actual target file.Cause
GetFullPath gets called by all the PhysicalFileSystem.Watcher.Remap methods via ConvertPathFromInternalImpl:
This can change the case of the path - even if it was already rooted - if it contains a
.Then, SubFileSystem.Watcher.TryConvertPath checks if paths are contained in its SubPath by calling UPath.IsInDirectory, which is case-sensitive:
When this fails, the event gets silently discarded.
Here's a test demonstrating this:
Only one case fails: the one where all the conditions above are met.