pd.read_pickle returns an object, we should adapt output type according to real data
To Reproduce
To help us to reproduce this bug, please provide information below:
In [6]: import xorbits.pandas as pd
In [7]: df = pd.read_pickle('my.pickle')
/Users/xuyeqin/Workspace/xorbits/python/xorbits/core/utils/fallback.py:35: RuntimeWarning: xorbits.pandas.read_pickle will fallback to Pandas
warnings.warn(warning_str, RuntimeWarning)
/Users/xuyeqin/Workspace/xorbits/python/xorbits/_mars/deploy/oscar/session.py:1873: UserWarning: No existing session found, creating a new local session now.
2023-07-11 13:36:00,892 xorbits._mars.deploy.oscar.local 35123 WARNING Web service started at
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.00/100 [00:00<00:00, 338.48it/s]
In [8]: df
Out[8]: Object <op=RemoteFunction, key=dbfcf1160b5ff4f721d4158ffb5c6bff_0>
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Describe the bug
pd.read_pickle returns an object, we should adapt output type according to real data
To Reproduce
To help us to reproduce this bug, please provide information below:
Additional context
Returning object is introduced in #484