xorcery / TableEditor

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Installation version 7.5.4 #20

Closed csychester closed 7 years ago

csychester commented 7 years ago


Ive tried to install through the package repository on version 7.5.4 ( I know its untested) The package seems to install ok, no errors but I get a (The type or namespace name 'TableEditorModel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

The table editor folder is created in App_Plugins and 3 files have been added to the BIN folder.. any ideas on what could be missing.



csychester commented 7 years ago

Hi Kevin, Do I need to change these values in the partial template and the partial call? and replace reference to with something else ?

@Html.Partial("~/pathtopartial/partialname.cshtml", Model.Content.GetPropertyValue<TableEditorModel>("propname"))

@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<TableEditorModel>

Thanks Neil

csychester commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have got this to work by using @using TableEditor.Models in the partial template and the template with the partial call...