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如何给Sqltemplate添加自定义函数 #42

Closed lx32056127 closed 5 years ago

lx32056127 commented 5 years ago


xormplus commented 5 years ago


lx32056127 commented 5 years ago


是的.示例代码如下 main.go `package main

import ( "fmt" _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" "github.com/xormplus/xorm" "html/template" "time" )

var ( engine *xorm.Engine )

func main() { engine, err := xorm.NewEngine("mysql", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%s)/%s?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local", "root", "", "", "3306", "mysql")) if err != nil { panic(err) } engine.ShowExecTime(true) engine.ShowSQL(true) tpl := xorm.Default("./templates", ".tpl") t := template.New("ShowTimestamp").Funcs(template.FuncMap{"ShowTimestamp": ShowTimestamp}) tpl.Template["ShowTimestamp"] = t fmt.Println(t.DefinedTemplates()) err = engine.RegisterSqlTemplate(tpl) if err != nil { panic(err) } }

// 显示时间戳 func ShowTimestamp(val string) string { fmt.Println(val) return fmt.Sprintf("%d", time.Now().Unix()) } `

tpl文件内容如下 select * from user {{. | ShowTimestamp}}

报错提示 panic: template: query.tpl:2: function "ShowTimestamp" not defined

xormplus commented 5 years ago


xormplus commented 5 years ago


lx32056127 commented 5 years ago


测试了正常. 还有一个问题 在使用?变量名进行占位时,变量内容中如果带有点(.),只会判断前面的内容为map的key Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '?.hardkey ORDER BY create_at desc LIMIT 20' at line 1 实际上我使用的是 device.hardkey = ?device.hardkey 这样的方式进行占位,除了where部分 orderby部分好像不能进行这样占位.

xormplus commented 5 years ago


lx32056127 commented 5 years ago


`package main

import ( "fmt" _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" "github.com/xormplus/xorm" )

var ( engine *xorm.Engine )

func main() { engine, err := xorm.NewEngine("mysql", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%s)/%s?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local", "root", "", "", "3306", "mysql")) if err != nil { panic(err) } engine.ShowExecTime(true) engine.ShowSQL(true) m := make(map[string]interface{}) m["mgr_role.role_id"] = 1 sql := SELECT 'mgr_user', mgr_user.*, 'mgr_user_role', mgr_user_role.*, 'mgr_role', mgr_role.* FROM mgr_user LEFT JOIN mgr_user_role ON mgr_user.user_id = mgr_user_role.user_id LEFT JOIN mgr_role ON mgr_user_role.role_id = mgr_role.role_id WHERE mgr_role.role_id = ?mgr_role.role_id result := engine.SQL(sql, &m).Query() if result.Error != nil { panic(result.Error) } }`

mgr_role.role_id 为1时正常查询的结果集如下: `Name Value
mgr_user mgr_user
user_id 1
account admin
password admin
status 1
qq 123456
mail 123456@qq.com
phone 10010
desc 管理员
login_count 382
version 8
create_time 2019-04-08 17:37:43
login_time 2019-08-19 10:57:33
mgr_user_role mgr_user_role
id 1
user_id 1
role_id 1
mgr_role mgr_role
role_id 1
role_name admin
role_desc 系统管理员
status 1
version 31
create_time 2019-04-11 17:23:22
update_time 2019-08-13 15:23:56 `


xormplus commented 5 years ago


xormplus commented 5 years ago


lx32056127 commented 5 years ago

