xoseperez / espurna

Home automation firmware for ESP8266-based devices
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HC-SR501 PIR to control Sonoff Basic internal relay. #2160

Closed davebuk closed 4 years ago

davebuk commented 4 years ago

I plan to connect an HC-SR501 PIR to a GPIO in a Sonoff Basic. I want the PIR to operate the relay to switch a light on/off.

I see from post https://github.com/xoseperez/espurna/issues/503#issuecomment-362274817 others have used a button definition.

Can I use #define BUTTON2_RELAY 1 to turn the relay ON/OFF when the PIR is triggered?

The other idea I had was to define:

    // Info
    #define MANUFACTURER        "ITEAD"
    #define DEVICE              "SONOFF_BASIC"

    // Buttons
    #define BUTTON1_PIN         0
    #define BUTTON1_RELAY       1

    // Relays
    #define RELAY1_PIN          12
    #define RELAY1_TYPE         RELAY_TYPE_NORMAL

    // PIR Digital IN
    #define DIGITAL_SUPPORT      1
    #define DIGITAL1_PIN         16  // OR equivalent 
    #define DIGITAL1_PIN_MODE    INPUT

Will adding #define DIGITAL1_RELAY 1 bind the digital sensor to the relay?

mcspr commented 4 years ago

Check out defaults.h or sensors.h for available flags. Button should work if PIR operates like button, switching to low temporarily? This may change which event it picks (CLICK, LNGCLICK etc.)

There is no DIGITAL1_RELAY, so it won't pick up something like that. This snippet will though (somewhere in espurna.ino setup() for example, at the end):

SensorReadBroker::Register([](const String& magnitude, unsigned char, double value, const char*) {
    if (magnitude.equals("digital")) {
        relayStatus(0, (value > 0));
davebuk commented 4 years ago

I built using button3 on a sonoff mini as per #503. I haven't got the PIR yet but it goes HIGH when triggered and back to LOW. I guess if I configure #define BUTTON3_MODE BUTTON_PUSHBUTTON | BUTTON_DEFAULT_LOW this should work?

mcspr commented 4 years ago

Button will default to LOW without BUTTON_DEFAULT_HIGH, there is no BUTTON_DEFAULT_LOW type (also see types.h)

davebuk commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the clarification. I'll rebuild and try it out when the PIR arrives.

davebuk commented 4 years ago

The following seems to work.

#elif defined(ITEAD_SONOFF_BASIC)  // _PIR  PIR Relay trigger

    #define MANUFACTURER        "ITEAD"
    #define DEVICE              "SONOFF_BASIC_PIR"

    //My config
    #define DEBUG_SERIAL_SUPPORT    0
    #define ALEXA_SUPPORT    0
    #define DOMOTICZ_SUPPORT        0
    #define THINGSPEAK_SUPPORT      0

    // Buttons
    #define BUTTON1_PIN         0
    #define BUTTON1_RELAY       1
    #define BUTTON2_PIN         3       //USE RX Pin GPIO3 for switch. **DISABLE DEBUG_SERIAL_SUPPORT**
    #define BUTTON2_RELAY       1
    #define BUTTON2_PRESS       BUTTON_MODE_ON

    // Relays
    #define RELAY1_PIN          12
    #define RELAY1_TYPE         RELAY_TYPE_NORMAL

    // LEDs
    #define LED1_PIN            13
    #define LED1_PIN_INVERSE    1

As expected, I get EVENT 1 when the PIR senses movement (LOW to HIGH) and the relay switches ON. After no detected movement and setting a short time delay, less than 2 seconds, I then get an EVENT 4 (High back to LOW) and the relay switches OFF. Setting a longer time delay, say 10 seconds, I then get EVENT 5.

Is there a limit to how long espurna will keep the PRESSED state as valid? Will the firmware be happy with being in that state for say 10 minutes before being switched back to LOW and reporting the EVENT 5?

mcspr commented 4 years ago

Is there a limit to how long espurna will keep the PRESSED state as valid? Will the firmware be happy with being in that state for say 10 minutes before being switched back to LOW and reporting the EVENT 5?

Nope, no limit. When state bounces back to the default, event handler measures for how long it stayed in that state so we get one of CLICK (2), LNGCLICK (4) or LNGLNGCLICK (5). Only conceivable issue is event length value overflow, but you would need to hold the button for ~49 days

davebuk commented 4 years ago

Excellent, 49 days should be fine! 😁 Thanks for the advise.