xoseperez / espurna

Home automation firmware for ESP8266-based devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Pet Drinking Fountain WIFI #2209

Open Camposmansi opened 4 years ago

Camposmansi commented 4 years ago

Hi, Buy https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B07GZHD7RZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Has an ESP8266, attached images...

photo5780931079274869661 photo5780931079274869662

Thank you

ColinShorts commented 4 years ago

The pictures are not very clear/sharp. I count 3 led's, a buzzer/speaker and a switch, and it doesn't look like there is anything complicated in there. The only issue might be controlling the water level asking that is handled by the esp.

Have you tried flashing espurna or identifying the pins for the LEDs, etc?

Camposmansi commented 4 years ago

it's a magnetic switch,

I don't know which of all the devices I can test, there is a generic one that can control all the pins

It has 3 LEDs, the ignition central, the red one is the fault and the green one is connected, a manual switch and the magnetic switch, the speaker is to warn of the low water level

ColinShorts commented 4 years ago

You should be able to identify most of it using the debug console (assuming the buzzer just makes a noise when voltage is applied).

Start by taking a full backup of the ROM (instructions should be on the wiki) and then flash any generic image.

When you get it running, login and had to the debug console. Type "gpio" and you'll see the state of the pins. Press and hold the button, run gpio again and you will hopefully see one of the gpio states has changed. Take note. Repeat for the magnetic switch....

Then you can check each of the remaining gpio like this:

gpio X 1


gpio X 0

Hopefully you'll see one of the LEDs light up.

Camposmansi commented 4 years ago

can i make a backup ??? I am going to try

I don't see any generic image, sorry

I don't know how to read but I'm also going to try ...

Then he said something

ColinShorts commented 4 years ago



I guess the 1mb core image would work for testing.

Camposmansi commented 4 years ago

I can not find the gpio0 if it took me some time photo5780810687046595224

ColinShorts commented 4 years ago

You might be able to trace back from the pin on the esp8266, see this page: http://www.datasheetgo.com/esp8266-datasheet-wifi/

If you have steady hands you can use a jumper wire to ground the pin.

Camposmansi commented 4 years ago

Found all .... red led = MTDI GPIO12 Green led = GPIO5 White led = SD_DATA_2 GPIO9 Switch = GPIO0 Water Sensor = MTMS GPIO14 Relay source = GPIO15 Now how do I spurn it and it works well?

Thank you very much but thank you very much

Camposmansi commented 4 years ago

I have observed that the speaker is missing, but I did not find the gpio, but it is something that is not important either, but when I disassemble it again I look for it more carefully