xoseperez / espurna

Home automation firmware for ESP8266-based devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Wall switch with Wemos D1 mini #669

Closed sunilammanabrolu closed 6 years ago

sunilammanabrolu commented 6 years ago

Hi Xose,

I am a big fan of your work and use espurna to control Wemos D1 mini boards in my home connected to few lights and plugs.

I am trying to make the Wemos D1 mini work with a single channel relay connected to D1 pin and a wall switch connected between D3 and GND.

This is my hardware.h


// Info
#define MANUFACTURER        "WEMOS"
#define DEVICE              "D1_MINI_RELAYSHIELD"

// Buttons
// No buttons on the D1 MINI alone, but defining it without adding a button doen't create problems
#define BUTTON1_PIN         0   // Connect a pushbutton between D3 and GND,
                                // it's the same as using a Wemos one button shield
#define BUTTON1_RELAY       1

// Relays
#define RELAY1_PIN          5

// LEDs
#define LED1_PIN            2
#define LED1_PIN_INVERSE    1

// When Wemos relay shield is connected GPIO5 (D1) is used for relay,
// so I2C must be remapped to other pins
#define I2C_SDA_PIN         12  // D6
#define I2C_SCL_PIN         14  // D5

The problem now is if the wall switch is in ON position and the board is reset, it never boots up. I have to change the switch to off position to boot it up again

I see this weird line in serial monitor with switch in on position and the board reset https://ibb.co/gBcdec

Also if the switch is in off position and the deice is reset, this same line repeats 3 times before the normal boot up https://ibb.co/fFTqsx

Complete log with switch in off position [000085] [INIT] ESPURNA 1.12.5a [000085] [INIT] xose.perez@gmail.com [000085] [INIT] http://tinkerman.cat

[000086] [INIT] CPU chip ID: 0x8DCC77 [000087] [INIT] CPU frequency: 80 MHz [000091] [INIT] SDK version: 2.2.1(cfd48f3) [000094] [INIT] Core version: 2_4_1 [000098] [INIT] Core revision: [000100] [000101] [INIT] Flash chip ID: 0x164020 [000105] [INIT] Flash speed: 40000000 Hz [000108] [INIT] Flash mode: DIO [000111] [000112] [INIT] Flash sector size: 4096 bytes [000117] [INIT] Flash size (CHIP): 4194304 bytes [000121] [INIT] Flash size (SDK): 4194304 bytes / 1024 sectors [000126] [INIT] Firmware size: 498368 bytes / 122 sectors [000132] [INIT] OTA size: 548864 bytes / 134 sectors [000138] [INIT] SPIFFS size: 0 bytes / 0 sectors [000143] [INIT] EEPROM size: 4096 bytes / 1 sectors [000149] [INIT] Empty space: 16384 bytes / 4 sectors [000154] [000155] [INIT] BUILD_FLAGS: [000158] [INIT] BOARD: WEMOS_D1_MINI_RELAYSHIELD [000162] [INIT] SUPPORT: ALEXA BROKER DEBUG_SERIAL DEBUG_TELNET DOMOTICZ HOMEASSISTANT MDNS_SERVER NTP SCHEDULER TELNET TERMINAL THINGSPEAK WEB

[000175] [INIT] Last reset reason: External System [000179] [INIT] Settings size: 1104 bytes [000183] [INIT] Free heap: 31376 bytes [000187] [INIT] Power: 3002 mV [000189] [INIT] Power saving delay value: 10 ms [000193] [000208] [TELNET] Listening on port 23 [000209] [WEBSERVER] Webserver running on port 80 [000213] [RELAY] Retrieving mask: 0 [000213] [RELAY] Relay #0 boot mode 0 [000213] [RELAY] #0 set to OFF [000215] [RELAY] Number of relays: 1 [000217] [BUTTON] Number of buttons: 1 [000221] [LED] Number of leds: 1 [000223] [MQTT] Async ENABLED, SSL DISABLED, Autoconnect ENABLED [000239] [THINGSPEAK] Async ENABLED, SSL DISABLED [000260] [MAIN] Uptime: 0 seconds [000260] [MAIN] Free heap: 25752 bytes [000261] [MAIN] Power: 3005 mV [000353] [BUTTON] Button #0 event 2 [000354] [RELAY] #0 scheduled ON in 0 ms [000420] [RELAY] #0 set to ON [000433] [WIFI] Scanning [001422] [RELAY] Saving mask: 1 [002632] [WIFI] BSSID: 80:26:89:02:FC:E5 CH: 1 RSSI: -70 SEC: AUTO SSID: Bruno2.4 [002633] [WIFI] --> BSSID: 30:B5:C2:AF:F0:54 CH: 1 RSSI: -42 SEC: AUTO SSID: Julius_Extended [002637] [WIFI] BSSID: C8:B3:73:16:77:A0 CH: 1 RSSI: -71 SEC: WPA2 SSID: Julius [002645] [WIFI] BSSID: 0C:D2:B5:72:A1:4C CH: 5 RSSI: -77 SEC: WPA SSID: Nitesh [002652] [WIFI] BSSID: D0:5B:A8:D2:0D:32 CH: 7 RSSI: -83 SEC: WPA2 SSID: airtel_D20D32 [002660] [WIFI] BSSID: 74:DA:DA:EB:9C:C9 CH: 9 RSSI: -70 SEC: AUTO SSID: PU [002667] [WIFI] BSSID: BC:8A:E8:0B:FA:6C CH: 11 RSSI: -80 SEC: WPA2 SSID: JioFi2_0BFA6C [002675] [WIFI] Connecting to BSSID: 30:B5:C2:AF:F0:54 CH: 01, RSSI: -42, SEC: AUTO, SSID: Julius_Extended [042815] [WIFI] MODE STA ------------------------------------- [042815] [WIFI] SSID Julius_Extended [042816] [WIFI] IP [042816] [WIFI] MAC EC:FA:BC:8D:CC:77 [042819] [WIFI] GW [042822] [WIFI] DNS [042825] [WIFI] MASK [042828] [WIFI] HOST ESPURNA_8DCC77 [042831] [WIFI] BSSID 30:B5:C2:AF:F0:54 [042835] [WIFI] CH 1 [042837] [WIFI] RSSI -55 [042839] [WIFI] ---------------------------------------------- [042845] [MDNS] OK [043847] [MQTT] MQTT brokers found: 0 [046430] [NTP] Error: NTP server not reachable [046517] [NTP] Time: 2018-03-13 15:51:34 [049280] [WEBSERVER] Request: GET /index.html [049858] [WEBSOCKET] #1 connected, ip:, url: /ws [051913] [WEBSOCKET] Requested action: relay [051915] [RELAY] #0 scheduled OFF in 0 ms [051917] [RELAY] #0 set to OFF [052918] [RELAY] Saving mask: 0 [060010] [MAIN] System OK

I do not know what I am doing wrong. Please help me with this. I hope I have made my problem clear

thebradleysanders commented 6 years ago

If GPIO 0 is shorted to GND during boot up, the device will go into program mode, to fix this attach your switch to a different GPIO pin, by default this function was meant for a momentary switch such as a button. Don't forget to set the new GPIO Pin in your hardware.h file.

sunilammanabrolu commented 6 years ago

Thanks. I used D1 and D2 and it works great. Thank you If I want to use a 4 channel relay with 4 wall switches, which pins can I use?

This issue can be closed anyway. Thnaks for the support

rossmax commented 6 years ago

Can you share you code? How you control led strip with espurna using wemos d1 mini? Or its not about led strip? What you mean when you say lights?