xoseperez / hlw8012

HLW8012 library for Arduino and ESP8266 using the Arduino Core for ESP8266.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Open superman7886 opened 3 years ago

superman7886 commented 3 years ago

hello @xoseperez i am trying your code in my project for measuring current, voltage power and power factor but somehow it is not working properly or i am unable to ride it properly i am using the code from basic.ino hlw8012 please help.At no load it is giving me readings like Voltage = 0, 480,36000, 0,75... similar to current and power


include "HLW8012.h"

define SERIAL_BAUDRATE 115200

// GPIOs

define RELAY_PIN 12

define SEL_PIN 5

define CF1_PIN 13

define CF_PIN 14

// Check values every 2 seconds

define UPDATE_TIME 2000

// Set SEL_PIN to HIGH to sample current // This is the case for Itead's Sonoff POW, where a // the SEL_PIN drives a transistor that pulls down // the SEL pin in the HLW8012 when closed


// These are the nominal values for the resistors in the circuit


define VOLTAGE_RESISTOR_UPSTREAM ( 5 * 470000 ) // Real: 2280k

define VOLTAGE_RESISTOR_DOWNSTREAM ( 1000 ) // Real 1.009k

HLW8012 hlw8012;

void unblockingDelay(unsigned long mseconds) { unsigned long timeout = millis(); while ((millis() - timeout) < mseconds) delay(1); }

void calibrate() {

// Let's first read power, current and voltage
// with an interval in between to allow the signal to stabilise:




// Calibrate using a 60W bulb (pure resistive) on a 230V line
hlw8012.expectedCurrent(60.0 / 230.0);

// Show corrected factors
Serial.print("[HLW] New current multiplier : "); Serial.println(hlw8012.getCurrentMultiplier());
Serial.print("[HLW] New voltage multiplier : "); Serial.println(hlw8012.getVoltageMultiplier());
Serial.print("[HLW] New power multiplier   : "); Serial.println(hlw8012.getPowerMultiplier());


void setup() {

// Init serial port and clean garbage

// Close the relay to switch on the load
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH);

// Initialize HLW8012
// void begin(unsigned char cf_pin, unsigned char cf1_pin, unsigned char sel_pin, unsigned char currentWhen = HIGH, bool use_interrupts = false, unsigned long pulse_timeout = PULSE_TIMEOUT);
// * cf_pin, cf1_pin and sel_pin are GPIOs to the HLW8012 IC
// * currentWhen is the value in sel_pin to select current sampling
// * set use_interrupts to false, we will have to call handle() in the main loop to do the sampling
// * set pulse_timeout to 500ms for a fast response but losing precision (that's ~24W precision :( )
hlw8012.begin(CF_PIN, CF1_PIN, SEL_PIN, CURRENT_MODE, false, 500000);

// These values are used to calculate current, voltage and power factors as per datasheet formula
// These are the nominal values for the Sonoff POW resistors:
// * The CURRENT_RESISTOR is the 1milliOhm copper-manganese resistor in series with the main line
// * The VOLTAGE_RESISTOR_UPSTREAM are the 5 470kOhm resistors in the voltage divider that feeds the V2P pin in the HLW8012
// * The VOLTAGE_RESISTOR_DOWNSTREAM is the 1kOhm resistor in the voltage divider that feeds the V2P pin in the HLW8012

// Show default (as per datasheet) multipliers
Serial.print("[HLW] Default current multiplier : "); Serial.println(hlw8012.getCurrentMultiplier());
Serial.print("[HLW] Default voltage multiplier : "); Serial.println(hlw8012.getVoltageMultiplier());
Serial.print("[HLW] Default power multiplier   : "); Serial.println(hlw8012.getPowerMultiplier());



void loop() {

static unsigned long last = millis();

// This UPDATE_TIME should be at least twice the minimum time for the current or voltage
// signals to stabilize. Experimentally that's about 1 second.
if ((millis() - last) > UPDATE_TIME) {

    last = millis();
    Serial.print("[HLW] Active Power (W)    : "); Serial.println(hlw8012.getActivePower());
    Serial.print("[HLW] Voltage (V)         : "); Serial.println(hlw8012.getVoltage());
    Serial.print("[HLW] Current (A)         : "); Serial.println(hlw8012.getCurrent());
    Serial.print("[HLW] Apparent Power (VA) : "); Serial.println(hlw8012.getApparentPower());
    Serial.print("[HLW] Power Factor (%)    : "); Serial.println((int) (100 * hlw8012.getPowerFactor()));

    // When not using interrupts we have to manually switch to current or voltage monitor
    // This means that every time we get into the conditional we only update one of them
    // while the other will return the cached value.



it's not only that i have taken no load readings i also connected 20W bulb to it and then got weird readings. PLEASE HELP

whuizdis commented 2 years ago

Did this work for you afterwards? I'm also seeing occasionally every 30 secs, Voltage and Current values are Crazy ~ Volgate around ~12340 (jump from 226-230) and Current ~426 (jump from 0.3 A)

ZamanImranMS commented 1 year ago

I have also use 20W blub with 204AC but the values are wired. look at the picture. Screenshot 2022-12-19 154549 There are some reading with zero values.

Crazspach commented 1 year ago

I have also use 20W blub with 204AC but the values are wired. look at the picture. Screenshot 2022-12-19 154549 There are some reading with zero values.

Hello, the readings as per load are ok but this is due to toggling of Voltage and Current reading pin, From the Reading pin of IC Voltage readings are available when it is high and Current readings are available when it is low( or maybe vice versa pls check it in datasheet). So you have to make an if loop based on which you will get the readings of both voltage and current readings simultaneously.

Other issue i can spot is. If you are using 20W lamp then there is problem in calibration of your load, because power factor should be unity or 1.