xoseperez / sonoffsc

Itead Studio SonoffSC custom firmware with MQTT and Domoticz support
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Flashed Sonoff SC with Sonoff Basic Firmware? #36

Open toco1 opened 5 years ago

toco1 commented 5 years ago


i am very new to this and i have to admit that i only know half of what i am doing here. But basically i wanted to integrate my Sonoff SC with Home Assistant. I did not want to use any hardware setup (lazy me) and found this nice litte how to: https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/SonOTA I thought I just give it a try and the process went through just fine. But I guess i just flashed the Sonoff SC with the firmware of the Sonoff basic. Because thats the title that comes up in the configuration menu if i access the IP of the Sonoff SC in the web browser. Does that sound possible? And... could i use the "Firmware Upgrade" function to flash the correct fimrware?

Thanks for help!

xoseperez commented 5 years ago

Well, if you flashed Tasmota on it you should probably ask there. AFAIK Tasmota supports SonoffSC so there must be an option to build and flash an image for it. This software here replaces completely the code in the ESP8266 and the ATMega328.