xoxco / jQuery-Tags-Input

Magically convert a simple text input into a cool tag list with this jQuery plugin.
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update tags input issue #310

Open amin101 opened 8 years ago

amin101 commented 8 years ago

What if user wants to edit a posts tags?lets say we have a table to save tags .each tag has anid, post_id along its name. when user remove one tag in update page , application needs to know which tag is removed to delete it from database table. i mean in addition to tags name ,its id should be tied to it too. may be using checkbox solve the issue:

 <input type="checkbox" name ="tags[tag id]" value="tag name">

we should have something like this array in request when form is submitted:

POST[ 'tags'=> [ 'id' => 'name'] ] having tag id in update page is very important , otherwise application cant distinguish which tags have been updated!

semplon commented 8 years ago

this must be handled in the different part. not in the script itself. You must have a part where it manage the tags.

Thanks for bringing this up. I just create tag system for my cms @genixcms i miss about this part