xoxfaby / BetterUI

Risk of Rain 2 mod BetterUI
59 stars 33 forks source link

Risk Of Options Integration #120

Closed Higgs1 closed 2 years ago

Higgs1 commented 2 years ago


I think it'd be pretty neato if BetterUI had [https://thunderstore.io/package/Rune580/Risk_Of_Options] integrations. Most, if not all of BetterUI's config options would go great in the config menu. BetterUI's config options are even split up into different categories which Roo handles nicely. Roo's Thunderstore page doesn't really give any great examples, so here's an example screenie featuring some mods available on the Thunderstore that I can link to upon request:

Screenshot from 2022-04-22 10-37-42

xoxfaby commented 2 years ago

No, our own implementation is being worked on