xoxfaby / BetterUI

Risk of Rain 2 mod BetterUI
59 stars 33 forks source link

Hiding Disabled / Locked Items #133

Open MelonHead42 opened 2 years ago

MelonHead42 commented 2 years ago

What feature would you like added to BetterUI? Hiding Locked items from Command Menu or making Command Menu only show unlocked items?! -- Why? \/ \/ \/

A lot of mods dont have an option for disabling items, so people have to use Mods like RuleBookUnlocker to "disable" them witch is really just force locking the item so you cant use it, but that dosent stop them from showing up in the command menu / command queue mod menu as a locked icon, this tends to get extream when you have 60 white items but 30 of them are locked icons that are all mixed in.

idk how easy or hard this world be but the mod "Improved Command Essence" is able to change the amount of options to pick from in the command menu so that may help.

Eather way thanks for the great work!