xoxfaby / MoreItems

Risk of Rain 2 mod MoreItems
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[Suggestions] Item Ideas #6

Closed VaelophisNyx closed 2 years ago

VaelophisNyx commented 2 years ago

Obviously these are all suggestions, so discard at your will

* Red
** Void
*** Lunar
  1. Bloody Tendril** - Corrupts all Red Whips. Provides increased movement speed when in combat (unsure of stats)
  2. **Chainsword*** - Primary attacks within short range (5 meters) apply Bleed stacks. +1 bleed stack per stack. +10% base damage increase.
  3. **Inflatable Armor*** - Being stationary provides +1 armor per second, to a maximum of 30 armor. +0.5 per second per stack, +5 cap per stack.
  4. Amethyst Brooch** - Corrupts all Topaz Brooches. On hit, heal 5% HP. On overheal, gain 5% HP as Barrier. +0.5% healing per stack
  5. **Red Telephone*** - Once per 60s, an attack may call down a tactical nuclear strike, dealing 15,000% damage in 20m to all characters within range.
  6. Carcinized Polyp** - Corrupts all Squid Polyps. Interacting with things spawns baby Void Devastators. +10% move speed per stack, +100% health per stack, +100% health drain per stack. Baby devastators do not have a void explosion on death.
  7. **Faulty Hologram*** - Being immobile for 15 seconds causes you to assume the form of a statue, becoming immune to knockback and damage, while also being unable to attack or use abilities and equipment. Effect lost after moving. Item does not prevent Engineer turrets from taking damage.
  8. Cherenkov's **Crown***** - Radiates an aura of 40% damage that cannot be mitigated, with a range of 50m. Halves healing effects. +10m range per stack.
  9. Warrior's Brew** - Corrupts all Soldier's Syringes. Gain 10% attack speed for every meter closer you are to an enemy. +2% attack speed per stack.
  10. Self Help Guide** - Corrupts all Tonic Afflictions, at one per minute. Does nothing else.
  11. **Strange Seed Bag*** - Leave a trail behind you that grows Man Eating Flowers. Man Eating Flowers last 20s and take 3s to grow. Duration doesn't start until they are grown.